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The Single Dad's Second Chance
The Single Dad's Second Chance Read online
The mommy project
Dear Diary,
Today I met my new mommy! Well, I wish Rachel would be my new mommy. See, I love my daddy a lot, but ever since my real mommy died I think he’s been very lonely. Rachel is so pretty, and she has the coolest job—she owns the flower shop in town! She promised to show me how to make a bouquet!
My best friend, Kristy, says Daddy should take Rachel out on dates, and then they hafta kiss, and then they can get married. Diary, I wish Rachel would like my daddy and me as much as I like her. Maybe if she did, she would want to be my mommy and join our family. Maybe if I close my eyes and wish hard, it will come true….
Andrew listened to the conversation.
While he went to the other room, Rachel gathered up the cards they were playing with his daughter. “Maybe we should play Candy Land next time,” he heard her say to Maura. “I’m pretty good at that game.”
“You really like Candy Land?” the girl asked.
“It was one of my favorite games when I was a kid.”
“I didn’t know it was that old,” Maura said so solemnly that Rachel had to laugh.
“Even my mother played it when she was a little girl,” she told the child.
“My mommy’s dead,” Maura told her.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Maybe someday I could get a new mommy. But she’ll have to be someone my daddy likes.”
“That would probably help,” Rachel agreed.
“Daddy likes you,” Maura said.
And that was Andrew’s cue. He stepped back into the room before his daughter proposed right there and then.
* * *
Those Engaging Garretts!: The Carolina Cousins
Dear Reader,
Last year, I wrote a miniseries called Those Engaging Garretts! The heroes of these stories were brothers who lived in the fictional town of Pinehurst, New York, and through the writing, I fell in love with Matthew, Jackson and Lukas.
When their stories were done, I didn’t want to say goodbye to these characters. I wanted to write more stories about the Garretts—and thankfully my editors were willing to let me! Except that there were only three brothers, and they’d each found their happy ending.…
So I shifted my attention southeast of Pinehurst and discovered Charisma, North Carolina, and The Carolina Cousins. I’m thrilled to introduce these new Garretts to you—beginning with siblings Andrew, Daniel and Nathan.
First up is sexy single dad Andrew, who is too busy raising his seven-year-old daughter to even think about romance. But when he walks into a local flower shop and meets Rachel Ellis, love unexpectedly begins to bloom.…
I hope you enjoy The Single Dad’s Second Chance, and, as you read this story, maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of the special woman who just might steal Daniel’s heart in A Wife for One Year (coming in August 2014).
Happy reading,
Brenda Harlen
Brenda Harlen
Books by Brenda Harlen
Harlequin Special Edition
**Prince Daddy & the Nanny #2147
**Royal Holiday Bride #2160
^The Maverick’s Ready-Made Family #2215
¶From Neighbors… to Newlyweds? #2235
¶His Long-Lost Family #2278
¶A Very Special Delivery #2283
+A Maverick under the Mistletoe #2293
¶The Single Dad’s Second Chance #2337
Silhouette Special Edition
*Her Best-Kept Secret #1756
The Marriage Solution #1811
∞One Man’s Family #1827
The New Girl in Town #1859
**The Prince’s Royal Dilemma #1898
**The Prince’s Cowgirl Bride #1920
¤Family in Progress #1928
**The Prince’s Holiday Baby #1942
§The Texas Tycoon’s Christmas Baby #2016
ΔThe Engagement Project #2021
ΔThe Pregnancy Plan #2038
ΔThe Baby Surprise #2056
ΩThunder Canyon Homecoming #2079
**The Prince’s Second Chance #2100
Harlequin Romantic Suspense
McIver’s Mission #1224
Some Kind of Hero #1246
Extreme Measures #1282
Bulletproof Hearts #1313
Dangerous Passions #1394
*Family Business
∞Logan’s Legacy Revisited
**Reigning Men
¤Back in Business
§The Foleys and the McCords
ΔBrides & Babies
ΩMontana Mavericks:
Thunder Canyon Cowboys
^Montana Mavericks:
Back in the Saddle
¶Those Engaging Garretts!
+Montana Mavericks:
Rust Creek Cowboys
Other books by Brenda Harlen available in ebook format.
is a former family law attorney turned work-at-home mom and national bestselling author who has written more than twenty books for Harlequin. Her work has been validated by industry awards (including an RWA Golden Heart® Award and the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award) and by the fact that her kids think it’s cool that she’s “a real author.”
Brenda lives in southern Ontario with her husband and two sons. When she isn’t at the computer working on her next book, she can probably be found at the arena, watching a hockey game. Keep up-to-date with Brenda on Facebook, follow her on Twitter, at @BrendaHarlen, or send her an email at [email protected].
To all of the readers who asked for more “Garretts”—
thanks for welcoming my characters
into your lives and your hearts.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter One
Rachel Ellis hated Valentine’s Day.
Not that she’d ever admit as much to any of the customers who had formed an almost-steady stream of traffic through the door of Buds & Blooms since about 11:00 a.m., but she had expressed the sentiment—more than a few times already today—to her best friend and business partner, Holly Kendrick.
“Can you tell me,” Rachel asked, when she went to the back during a rare quiet moment in the shop, “why so many men seem surprised to realize it’s Valentine’s Day when it falls on February 14 every single year?”
“Because they’re men,” Holly said simply.
“And is that why they also wait until the absolute last minute to buy flowers for their wives or girlfriends?”
“Next year we should offer discounts for advance orders.” They had taken some, but those represented a small percentage of the sales already processed that day.
“It won’t matter,” Holly told her.
Rachel knew her friend was probably right. She sank down into a chair by the worktable. “I’m j
ust going to take ten minutes to rest my feet before the next rush.”
She only managed about half of that before the bell rang, indicating another customer had entered the shop.
Trish, a local college student who helped out part-time, showed up at two o’clock so that Holly could go home to get ready for her date with Shane—her on-again, off-again boyfriend of the past two years. Rachel, who had no plans, would stay until closing time at six o’clock.
It was quarter to the hour now, and there were only a couple of customers left in the shop. Her cheeks hurt from the smile she’d kept firmly plastered on her face as she boxed or wrapped order after order throughout the afternoon, and she was looking forward to the day being over.
But when Andrew Garrett walked through the door, just a few minutes before closing time, she didn’t have to force the smile. He was a regular if not frequent customer, coming into Buds & Blooms three times a year without fail—Valentine’s Day, August 10 and November 22. She didn’t really know him. In fact, she only knew his name because it was on the credit card that he used to pay for his purchases. But for some inexplicable reason, her heart always beat just a little bit faster when he was around.
Or maybe it wasn’t so inexplicable. After all, the man was a certified hunk. He stood about six-three with broad shoulders, narrow hips and long legs. His dark hair was neatly trimmed, and moss-green eyes looked out beneath straight brows. His jaw was cleanly shaven, his mouth was deliciously shaped, and when he’d smiled at her the first day he came into the shop, her knees had actually gone weak.
Then she’d dropped her gaze and noticed the well-worn gold band that circled the third finger of his left hand. She should have expected as much—the only time gorgeous single men ever walked through the door of Buds & Blooms was Mother’s Day.
February 14 had fallen on a Sunday that year, and he’d been one of the first customers through the door. He’d wanted a dozen white roses, and she’d laid the creamy white flowers out on top of a fan of ferns, added some baby’s breath, then wrapped the arrangement in silver paper and clear cellophane and tied it together with white raffia. Even after three years, she remembered those details, and she wondered if that was evidence of the customer service she prided herself on or proof that she was pathetically infatuated with a handsome—and married—stranger.
“A dozen white roses?” she asked.
He smiled, and her heart did a funny little turn in her chest. “Good memory.”
She went to the back to retrieve the flowers, then added the accent foliage and wrapped the arrangement. “Can I get you anything else today?”
He shook his head. “No, that’s all.”
She rang up the purchase and reached for the credit card he held out to her. Their fingers touched—briefly—in the transfer, but she felt a jolt at the unexpected contact.
Married, she reminded herself sternly.
And even if he wasn’t, she’d made too many mistakes where the male gender was concerned to want to risk another one.
She processed the transaction and returned his card along with a receipt and his flowers.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. And Happy Valentine’s Day.”
She kept the smile on her face until he’d walked out the door, then flipped the lock and wondered, Why are the good ones always taken?
* * *
As a single woman, Rachel really did hate Valentine’s Day. But as a business owner counting the receipts, she had to love it. They’d sold more flowers in just ten hours today than they would in the rest of the month, and while Trish cleaned up the work counters in the back, Rachel restocked the display cases at the front of the store and made notes on what she would have to add to her orders this week.
“Do you want to go somewhere to grab a bite?” she asked Trish. Because of the thick gloves she wore in deference to the frigid temperature, she fumbled a little with the key as she locked up.
“Oh, um, that sounds great, but—”
“But you’ve got a date,” Rachel guessed.
Her employee nodded.
“You should have said something—I could have finished up by myself.”
“Doug had to work until eight tonight, anyway.”
“Doug? The advertising guy?”
“Marketing,” Trish clarified.
“I thought you dumped him.”
“I did.” She shrugged. “And then I missed him.”
Rachel didn’t know Doug, aside from what Trish had told her, so she bit her tongue. She wasn’t so far past twenty that she didn’t remember how it felt to be young and in love—or at least want to believe that she was. It had taken her a while, but she’d finally realized that being lonely in a relationship was worse than being alone.
She hadn’t given up on the idea of finding someone to share her life with, but she’d stopped looking for her elusive soul mate around every corner.
“But I’ll be in at seven tomorrow to help with the deliveries,” Trish said now.
“I can handle the deliveries—if you can be here by ten, that’s soon enough.”
“Really?” The young woman looked as if Rachel had given her the moon instead of just three extra hours.
“Really,” she confirmed.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Rachel couldn’t help but smile at her exuberance. “Have a good time tonight.”
“We will,” Trish assured her.
Rachel waited until her employee got into her car and waved as she drove off. Because she lived only a couple of blocks from the shop, she walked to and from work. And usually she enjoyed the walk, but tonight, she was tired and hungry and just wanted to be home so she could snuggle on the couch with a bowl of popcorn to watch Criminal Minds.
Except that the way her stomach was growling, she knew popcorn was not going to suffice. When she got home, she exchanged her skirt and blouse for a favorite pair of jeans and a winter-white V-neck sweater, then slipped her feet into low-heeled boots and shrugged back into her coat. She burrowed her chin deeper into the collar when she stepped outside again and tried to ignore the cold as she headed toward Valentino’s. Thankfully, the restaurant offered takeout because, even if she wanted to sit down and eat, she knew there was no way she’d get a table tonight.
Pulling open the door, she was immediately greeted by the mouthwatering scents of tomato, garlic and basil. Her stomach growled again. The woman behind the counter looked up and smiled. “Rachel, hi. Just let me put this order in to the kitchen and I’ll tell Gemma that you’re here.”
“Don’t...” Her protest trailed off as Maria had already disappeared into the kitchen.
Two minutes later, Gemma Palermo came through from the dining room.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, bella.” She kissed both of Rachel’s cheeks, then looked past her friend and frowned. “You are alone?”
“I usually am,” Rachel reminded her.
“But it’s Valentine’s Day,” her friend said again.
“I know. And I didn’t mean to take you away from your customers. I just wanted to get some pasta to take home—”
“Where you can eat alone?”
Rachel couldn’t help but smile at the distress in Gemma’s tone. “It’s not illegal, you know.”
“Maybe it should be.”
But eating alone was Rachel’s status quo, and she liked it that way. She was a smart, successful woman. She didn’t need a man to make her life complete. She firmly and honestly believed that—most of the time. But she couldn’t deny that the prospect of sitting alone in her empty condo eating penne with sausage and peppers from a plastic take-out container on Valentine’s Day made her feel just a little bit pathetic.
“I’ve been on my feet all day,” Rachel told her friend. “I just want�
“To sit down,” Gemma interrupted again. “Yes, you should sit down and have a nice glass of wine.”
She nodded. “Actually, a glass of wine would be nice.”
“Long day?”
“The longest.”
Her friend nodded her understanding. “Tony refused to book any reservations past nine o’clock—otherwise, we’d be here all night.”
“I guess you don’t get to go out for dinner on Valentine’s Day, either.”
Her friend blushed. “We celebrated earlier. He made me breakfast in bed, and then... Well, let’s just say we were almost late for work.”
“Good thing he’s the boss,” Rachel noted.
“Only at the restaurant,” Gemma said.
Rachel had to laugh. She’d gone to high school with both Gemma Battaglia and Tony Palermo. Tony’s grandparents—Salvatore and Caterina Valentino—were the original owners of the restaurant when it first opened its doors almost fifty years earlier. It was, and continued to be, a family restaurant.
Tony had started bussing tables and washing dishes when he was ten years old, then he’d moved up to serving customers and helping with kitchen prep. Now he was the proprietor and head chef. Gemma had worked as a waitress in high school and for several years after, then she became a hostess and was now married to Tony. And so blissfully happy that she wanted all of her friends to be the same.
“Marco is working the bar tonight,” Gemma said, referring to her youngest brother-in-law. “You tell him what you want to drink while I put your order in. Penne with sausage and peppers?”
She nodded, and her friend hurried off.
Rachel took a seat at the bar and requested a glass of valpolicella. She unbuttoned her coat as Marco poured the wine and set the glass on a napkin in front of her.
“How did you get stuck working Valentine’s Day?” she asked.
“I volunteered,” Marco admitted.
She raised her brows. “No plans with Tammy?”
“We broke up.”
“I’m sorry.”
He shrugged. “How about you? Why are you here instead of dancing the night away—and maybe getting lucky—with a handsome man who’s not nearly good enough for you?”